High-Level Programming
In the previous chapter, we improved the difficult task of writing machine code by writing in a more understandable language called assembly and using a program to turn the assembly into machine code. You could say that assembly is “one step removed” from machine code, which is what makes it easier to write. In this chapter we’re going to look at two new and very different ways of creating programs that are even further removed from the machine code, and thus even easier to work with.
Last chapter I said “we need to translate our assembly back into machine code”. That word “translate” was especially appropriate because we can think of machine code as the “language” of CPUs whereas assembly is a “language” for humans. Like normal languages, we can express similar ideas in both machine code and assembly and translate between them in order for humans to “communicate” these ideas to the CPU.
To further improve on our program creation process, we can do the same trick again: we can use an even more understandable language and a program which translates that language into assembly (and then the assembly into machine code).
A compiler is a program which translates from one programming language to another (usually simpler) programming language.
“Simpler” here refers to the complexity of the language itself, not the difficulty of using the language. It is usually easier to express a complex idea in a complex language (and it can be hilariously difficult in simple language).
So how does a compiler solve the problems we had with assembly? First, we can program our compiler to translate our language into different assembly code depending on the CPU we need to run the program on. This way we can write a program once and the compiler will translate that program to run on many kinds of computers. Second, we can replace confusing assembly instructions with more human-readable ones and let the compiler translate into assembly for us. Third, we can identify common patterns of assembly instructions (e.g. the four instructions for sending an exit code) and replace these with shorter human-readable instructions that the compiler will expand back into the corresponding pattern of assembly.
Another benefit of compiling a language into assembly is that we can make the
language more restrictive. This might sound like a bad thing, but consider
this: our example assembly program last chapter put its exit code in register
BL, but what if we had left out that movb $7,%bl
instruction from our assembly
program? Our program would still run, the CPU would still follow the
instructions, and the kernel would still look at EAX and BL to exit our program.
But what would the exit code be? What is in register BL? Maybe some CPUs set all
the registers to 0 before running a program, so it would be 0. Maybe some set
the registers to 42, so that would be the exit code. Or maybe the CPU doesn’t
touch the registers and whatever the last program happened to leave in register
BL will still be there. Who knows? This is what programmers call “undefined
behavior”: when the result of running a program is outside of our control. It’s
one of the worst things that can happen to a program! Since a compiler creates
the assembly code, it can help us with this problem by refusing to translate
instructions that would lead to undefined behavior. By being more restrictive,
compilers can help us create better programs.
The compiled language we’re going to learn about is one of the oldest and most popular languages: C.
“C” seems like an odd name for a language, but it has some interesting history behind it that once again demonstrates that classic computer scientist humor. In 1966, a Cambridge Ph.D. student designed a compiled language that he called the Basic Combined Programming Language, or BCPL. A few years later in 1969 at AT&T, the creators of UNIX decided that they should rewrite UNIX (which was entirely written in assembly) using a compiled language. They liked some features of BCPL but found the language too complicated, so they designed a simpler version which they called just “B”. But as computer technology developed, they found that B was unable to take advantage of the latest computer innovations so in 1972 they designed a new language as its successor: C. By 1973 UNIX was almost entirely written in C. Today, C is still considered the go-to language for large, complicated programs like operating systems.
Like assembly, C is written as plain text, but unlike assembly it no longer
clearly corresponds to the instructions that will be run by the CPU. Let’s
recreate the sevn
program from last chapter in C.
Open up nano
again and type this:
int main()
return 7;
Save the file as sevn.c
. Note that the indentation is not important, it just
improves readability. You could write this all on one line if you like: int
main(){return 7;}
By now things are readable enough that we shouldn’t really need a checksum to
check our work. Once your code is written, compile it using gcc
(think of it
as the GNU C ccompiler):
# gcc -o sevn3 sevn.c
specifies the output file. gcc
is nice enough to compile into assembly,
assemble into machine code, and link into an executable all in one command (but
we could split up these steps if we wanted to). Finally
# ./sevn3
# echo $?
It still works! Now open up sevn3
in hexedit
. What the heck? How did our
tiny program become so huge? One limitation of compiled languages is that they
often make assumptions about the types of programs you will write. In this case,
has included lots of extra information and instructions that our program
doesn’t need because it’s so incredibly simple, but most other programs will
need. And don’t even bother looking for our familiar instructions in
here—they could be scattered all over the place or replaced with slightly
different instructions that have the same effect. With compiled languages you
just have to trust that the compiler will produce the right instructions and not
look at how the sausage is made. We got the right exit code, so all is well in
the world.
To see how gcc
translates your C code into assembly, use the -S
# gcc -S -o - sevn.c
-o -
tells it to just print the result in the shell rather than save it to a
file. Isn’t it interesting how such different CPU instructions can have the same
result? Can you find the exit code in this assembly? Can you see some extra
information that the compiler is including which is unnecessary?
Sometimes—very rarely—you do need to care how the compiler creates instructions.
Now that we’re using C, our simple 7 program just doesn’t demonstrate the capabilities of the programming language. We need to make more complicated programs.
One of the big advantages of using a high-level programming language like C (as opposed to a low-level language like assembly or machine code), is that we are no longer constrained to thinking about the particular physical components of the computer and how they interact. Instead, the programming language allows us to express our ideas in a completely different way that might have no obvious connection with the inner workings of the computer. As long as the compiler can translate these ideas into a language that the computer does understand, we’re okay.
For example, suppose we wanted to make a program that stores a list of numbers for us. If we were to write this program in assembly we would have to think hard about where to store these numbers. If the list is short (less than 10 numbers) we might be able to get away with storing them in the CPU’s registers. But if the list is long (like 100 numbers) then there aren’t enough registers so we’ll need to store them elsewhere like in the RAM or HDD. We also have to think hard about what kinds of numbers we’re storing because positive integers, negative integers, and decimal numbers all have different binary formats. If we forget which numbers of which formats were stored where, we’ll be in trouble. But with a language like C, we can just write something like this:
int x = -7;
unsigned int y = 1337;
double z = 1.5;
Here we’re telling the compiler to store three numbers: an integer (int
) which
can be positive or negative, a positive integer (unsigned int
), and a decimal
number (double
). We also give these numbers names (x, y, and z) so that we can
refer to them in the program. But where will the compiler tell the computer to
store these numbers? We don’t need to care!
When you write int x = -7;
you are telling the C compiler to store that number
somewhere on the computer. When the compiler turns your C code into assembly,
it can examine how that number is used in your program and how the hardware of
the computer works, and it can decide to store the number in a different
location depending on the situation. For example if it sees that the number is
just being used as the exit code for the program, it might decide to put it
right in register BL. Or if the number is being used alongside many other
numbers, it might decide to store it in the RAM. Or if the compiler sees that
you don’t use the number anywhere in your program (maybe you put it in by
accident) it might not store the number anywhere at all! So when you write int
x = -7;
you really can’t know for sure how that will correspond to actual
machine code; instead you must think in more abstract terms. You can imagine C
putting the number -7 in a box for you and labelling it “x”. The compiler
handles taking the number out of the box or putting a different number in the
box, so you don’t need to think about how that box corresponds to low-level
machine code.
This more abstract way of thinking about a program is what we call a programming paradigm.
A programming paradigm is an abstract way of structuring programs. In other words, a programming paradigm is a certain way of breaking down a problem in such a way that a program can be created to solve it.
To make this concept more concrete, imagine that you are a carpenter. When you start a new carpentry project, how do you break down the project in your mind? One way would be to think of the project in terms of steps: first you build a frame, then you fill in the rest of the structure, then you add smaller details, then you paint and finish the wood. And some of these steps could consist of sub-steps, so to paint and finish the wood, first you sand the surface, then you apply a coat of paint, then you let it dry, then a coat of varnish, etc. A different approach might be to think of the project in terms of components, so you break down the project into separate pieces (walls, floor, supports, etc.) and determine how the pieces will connect. Then you can finish each piece individually in whatever order you like and attach them all. These approaches are very different but both could be used to tackle any sort of carpentry project. We could call these different carpentry paradigms.
Programming paradigms are very similar. They affect only how we humans think about programs; the compiler always ends up translating the program into machine code for the CPU. So it’s entirely possible that we could write a program two different ways in two different programming languages that follow two different programming paradigms, but both end up being compiled to the exact same machine code—just like a carpenter could build a birdhouse step-by-step or as separate components and get the same result either way.
The C programming language follows a “procedural” programming paradigm. This paradigm is kind of like the step-by-step approach for carpentry: it breaks down every program into “procedures”, where each procedure is a list of steps for the computer to follow. The twist is that a procedure can have other procedures as its steps. Let’s look at a fake C program where we’ll pretend that our computer can do carpentry:
void build_birdhouse()
void paint_and_finish()
void build_birdhouse()
is C’s way of saying “make a procedure named
”. Then we simply list the instructions of building a birdhouse
in order, surrounded by { }
. The first step build_a_frame()
is C’s way of
saying “follow the steps of the procedure named build_a_frame
”. So this is
what we talked about earlier: a step in a procedure being another procedure. We
can see that the other three steps of this procedure are also procedures
themselves (that’s what the ()
We can also see that the last step of building a birdhouse paint_and_finish
defined right below, and it also consists of four procedures. So this is the
main advantage of the procedural paradigm: breaking down large tasks (like
building a birdhouse) into smaller and smaller tasks so that we don’t have to
think about the entire thing at once.
A Real C Program
Enough of the fake code, let’s make a real program that does some work. The goal of this program will be to find the answers to the math problems 3×4, -31×57, and 12×8. Let’s start by thinking about what procedures we should make. Our main purpose is to solve the three problems, so we could start with a procedure like this
void main()
Now let’s make the solve_and_print_problem1
void solve_and_print_problem1()
int x = 3;
int y = 4;
int z = x * y;
Remember earlier that we saw how to tell C to store numbers for us. We use that
again here to store the numbers we need to multiply. We also see that by using
, C can multiply numbers it has stored. So now the result of 3×4 (what
could it be?) is stored somewhere on the computer in a box that C has labelled
. All that is left to do is print the result, but before we get to that let’s
think about our other solve_and_print_problem
The other two procedures will be pretty much the same, just with different
numbers stored as x
and y
void solve_and_print_problem1()
int x = 3;
int y = 4;
int z = x * y;
void solve_and_print_problem2()
int x = -31;
int y = 57;
int z = x * y;
void solve_and_print_problem3()
int x = 12;
int y = 8;
int z = x * y;
This is pretty repetitive. And whenever you have repetitive code, that’s usually
a sign that there’s a better way to do things. In this case, we can make things
better by using arguments. Just like how shell commands accept arguments to
change their behavior, C procedures can accept arguments to change their
behavior. Look at how we can turn these three similar procedures into one
procedure where x
and y
are arguments:
void solve_and_print_problem(int x, int y)
int z = x * y;
By putting x
and y
in the ( )
, we’re telling C that these numbers are
arguments which can change every time the procedure is run. Now we have to
change our main
procedure to pass these arguments:
void main()
solve_and_print_problem(3, 4);
solve_and_print_problem(-31, 57);
solve_and_print_problem(12, 8);
Now you can imagine that when C sees the first step in our main
procedure, it
picks up the values 3
and 4
and places them in the boxes x
and y
in our
procedure before following its steps. Now we can get
back to the business of printing the answer.
Printing the answer in the shell is actually quite a complex task, because printing is output, and all I/O is controlled by the kernel. So we’re going to need to set up some CPU registers and send an interrupt. Ugh. But since we’re using C, life is much more wonderful. A key component of many operating systems (including this one) is the C standard library, a collection of hundreds of C procedures designed and tested by expert programmers for performing common OS tasks (such as printing output).
In particular, we will use the printf
(print format) procedure from
the stdio
(standard I/O) portion of the standard library. This
procedure works in a funky sort of way, so I’ll just add it to the procedure and
you can see how it works by example:
#include <stdio.h>
void solve_and_print_problem(int x, int y)
int z = x * y;
printf("%d x %d = %d\n", x, y, z);
The C standard library is also documented in the manual. To read about library
procedures, add 3
as an argument before the procedure name. 3
specifies that
you want the standard library section of the manual (some procedures have
the same name as a program or other shell command).
# man 3 printf
Now our two procedures do everything we need them to, so we’re done. Since our code is sort of scattered throughout the chapter, let’s collect the whole program in one place here and add a couple small, finishing touches.
#include <stdio.h>
void multiply_and_print(int x, int y)
int z = x * y;
printf("%d x %d = %d\n", x, y, z);
int main()
multiply_and_print(3, 4);
multiply_and_print(-31, 57);
multiply_and_print(12, 8);
return 0;
First, I renamed the solve_and_print_problem
procedure to better reflect what
it does (not strictly necessary but usually a good idea). Lastly I added an exit
code. You see, I sneaked something past you earlier: main
isn’t some arbitrary
procedure name in C, it’s special. When you compile and run a C program, it
only performs the steps in the main
procedure. If you want other procedures to
run, you need to make them steps in main
(like we did with
). Also, in addition to accepting arguments, C procedures
can “return” a value when they are finished. Whatever main
returns is the exit
code for the program, so I’ve changed the void
to int
(meaning it returns an
integer rather than nothing) and added return 0
for an exit code of 0 (recall
from last chapter that 0 is a common exit code for indicating “everything
Now that you know how main
and return
work, can you understand how our
simple sevn.c
program works?
In C, procedures are more commonly called functions, even though they aren’t functions in the strict mathematical sense. But they do take input (via their arguments) and give output (via the return value) and usually the output depends only on the input.
If you want to, you can use nano
to create the file mult.c
with that C code,
then compile and run it like so:
# gcc -o mult mult.c
# ./mult
3 x 4 = 12
-31 x 57 = -1767
12 x 8 = 96
Pretty cool stuff!
Modify the C program so that it has the following output. Then compile and run it to verify.
3 + 4 = 7
-31 + 57 = 26
12 + 8 = 20
Subtly, a very significant change has occurred now that we’re writing programs in C. Think about our programs from the context of another computer user who is running them. They might like the programs but wish that they worked in a slightly different way, or they might simply be curious about how they work and want to see for themselves. Technically they already have all that they need for these tasks: the executable files containing the programs’ machine code instructions, which they can look at and modify to their content. But it would be much more helpful if they could see the program’s code as we (the designers) saw it.
If they are curious about our machine code program, it’s easy: they simply open the program file in hexedit and they can see the exact same machine code we did when writing it. For our assembly program things are a little trickier since we designed the program in assembly but all they have are the assembled machine code instructions. But since assembly is basically just human-readable machine code, there are “disassembler” programs which can take machine code and translate it back into assembly. Now how about our C programs?
We know that C uses a programming paradigm, so our C code does not correspond
1-to-1 with machine code like assembly does. And I mentioned earlier that
different compiled languages, possibly with different programming paradigms, can
be compiled into the same machine code. So the short answer is that it is
impossible for another user to see our C code given only the compiled
machine code! You can get a sense of this for yourself by opening the compiled
program in hexedit
. Do you see multiply_and_print
anywhere? How about
x * y
? Somewhere in the process of translating our abstract high-level C code
into assembly, the structure and meaning has been lost. This doesn’t matter
to the computer but for humans who may want to understand our program it makes
life very difficult. Practically the only way other users can modify our program
is if they can get a copy of our original C code and then recompile it.
The original code that computer programmers use to develop a program is the program’s source code. Source code is often written in a compiled language and is later translated into machine code. The resulting machine code is called a binary blob (emphasizing the often confusing lack of structure in compiled machine code).
Binary blobs are one of the reasons why some software companies can sell their software for hundreds or thousands of dollars. The ideas behind a piece of software are usually only apparent when viewing the source code, and can be nearly impossible to reconstruct from the structureless compiled machine code. So a company with valuable proprietary knowledge can create software based on that knowledge and distribute the software as binary blobs without much fear that the knowledge can be copied by a competitor.
The short answer is that it is impossible to translate from machine code back to C, but the long answer is more nuanced. It is impossible to determine what the original source code was, but getting close is often good enough. Computer programmers usually write source code in a fairly understandable, structured way. So even though there may be countless variations of source code that would compile to the same binary blob, there may only be a handful of variations that have a logical structure to them.
If we can create some C code that compiles to the same binary blob, and which reflects at least the structure of the original source code, that can provide great insight into how the program was originally designed.
Reverse engineering is the process of creating source code (such as C) from obfuscated code (such as a binary blob). This process usually involves lots of slow, manual work.
We saw how great a compiled language can be compared to assembly, but do compiled languages have any downsides of their own? Sort of. Compiled languages are often called “static” because in a sense the resulting programs are very rigid and unchanging. For example, with our previous C program, if we want to change any of the program code we need to recompile the source. In a way, this is an advantage because the compiler can do things like check for mistakes or optimize our algorithms when it compiles the source code. But it is also a disadvantage because the resulting program is not flexible nor easy to change (we need to recompile it every time). Making a C program more flexible and “dynamic” is certainly possible, but it requires hard work and can be very difficult to do well. This is where the scripting languages come in.
A scripting language is a programming language where the instructions are read and carried out directly by another program (rather than translated into machine code for the CPU to carry out).
The distinction between scripting languages and compiled languages is subtle, so
let’s think about it in a different way. Recall our original fake C program that
had procedures like apply_varnish
. In C, we would have to define the steps
of apply_varnish
ourselves and the compiler would need to be able to translate
all of those steps into machine code. But what if we’re doing a lot of wood
working and apply_varnish
is something fundamental to our
workflow—something we’ll be doing all the time? It seems kind of
overcomplicated to need to always break it down into tiny little machine code
instructions that the CPU can understand. Wouldn’t it be cool if we had a
special “wood working computer” that understood apply_varnish
as one of its
basic instructions?
Well we already know from the VM we’re playing around in that it’s no problem
for a computer to simulate another computer inside itself. So we could design
our special wood working computer in code and simply simulate it inside our
computer. Then we could issue instructions like apply_varnish
directly to the
simulated computer’s CPU as if it were a real, physical computer. That is
basically how scripting languages work: rather than using a program to translate
our instructions into machine code, a program reads our instructions and
simulates the result of running them itself.
An interpreter is a program which reads program instructions and simulates the result of running those instructions. Scripting languages are often called interpreted languages since they almost always need to be read by an interpreter.
The analogy between virtual machines and interpreters is so strong that many interpreters are actually refered to as VMs (even though they aren’t simulating a real computer like our Arch Linux VM is).
So what’s the advantage of an interpreter and what does it have to do with “dynamic” programs? Recall that with C, a big task for the compiler was making sure that our programs made sense and didn’t include weird stuff like undefined behavior. That was important because sending bad instructions to your actual CPU can be dangerous. But with an interpreter we’re running a simulated CPU, so there’s no need for the interpreter to read ahead or verify anything: it can simply follow each instruction as it gets to it. This allows for far greater flexibility than in languages like C. For example, we can add instructions for the interpreter on-the-fly and completely change the behavior of the code while it is already running.
If you’re paying close attention you might have noticed that I’m conflating two different ideas when talking about programming languages. On the one hand, there’s the linguistic aspect of the programming language: the syntax and grammar of the text that we type into the computer. On the other hand, there’s the implementation of that text to make the computer actually carry out the desired actions. When I say that C is a compiled language, I make it sound like the syntatical, grammatical nature of C is somehow connected with the compiler that implements C and turns it into machine code. In reality there is no such connection. While C is usually compiled into machine code, there are interpreters that can simulate its instructions. Similarly while most scripting languages are interpretted, you could technically design a compiler to turn the instructions into machine code (though it probably wouldn’t be easy).
The reason why these two meanings are conflated is simply practical. Usually the design of the language lends itself to one of the approaches better than the other. If a language is easy to compile into machine code it probably doesn’t have the dynamic features that makes scripting languages useful, so by interpreting it you’re losing the benefits of a compiler without any major gain. If a language has lots of dynamic features that make an interpreter fitting, designing a compiler is probably going to be impractically complicated and will end up creating very large, inefficient machine code programs.
Ruby is a relatively young scripting language, being invented in 1995 and only gaining widespread use by 2000. But it’s especially simple and dynamic, making it a good choice for this book.
Create a text file named eval.rb
with the following text
x = eval gets
puts x * 3
Running a Ruby script is very different from the previous programs because we don’t have to turn it into executable machine code. Instead we simply pass the filename as an argument to the ruby interpreter.
# ruby eval.rb
After entering this command, your prompt will simply sit there and do nothing. That’s because unlike our previous programs, this one expects some input from the user. For now just provide no input by pressing Enter:
# ruby eval.rb
eval.rb:3:in `<main>': undefined method `*' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
Ruby just spat out an error message at us. Rude! What happened here is we told Ruby to multiply x by 3 and Ruby doesn’t know what x is, so it can’t do the multiplication (specifically it says x is “nil”, meaning nothing, and it doesn’t know how to multiply nothing). This kind of program would never fly in C, because the compiler would complain long before we ever try to run the instructions. But since Ruby is interpreted, it can’t know that there is a problem until it actually runs all of the previous instructions and gets to the problematic one.
Now run the script again, only this time provide some input by typing 2
# ruby eval.rb
No more error message. x = eval gets
is basically the Ruby way of saying “x is
whatever the user inputs”. Since we told it x is 2, it can do the multiplication
just fine, so it prints 6 since 2×3=6. But Ruby knows how to multiply more
than just numbers. This time, try telling Ruby that x is "ha"
# ruby eval.rb
Pretty cool! This tiny little Ruby script can have such different behavior all depending on the input we give it. Would it be possible to create such a program in C? Sure, but take my word for it that it would be much, much trickier than that cute little two-line script we just wrote.
That example shows off the really dynamic nature of Ruby, but you don’t have
to use Ruby for dynamic programs like that. Here are the other two programs we
made, rewritten using Ruby. First, sevn.rb
exit 7
and mult.rb
def multiply_and_print x, y
z = x * y
puts "#{x} x #{y} = #{z}"
multiply_and_print 3, 4
multiply_and_print -31, 57
multiply_and_print 12, 8
This isn’t your first experience with a scripting language, actually. The shell we’ve been using to run commands uses a scripting language called “Bash” (the Bourne-again shell). Since every shell is a REPL where the user types commands and sees the results, they are very well suited to using scripting languages where the interpreter reads a command and then simulates the result of that command. The main difference between a general-purpose scripting language like Ruby and a shell scripting language like Bash is that Bash’s main purpose is to run other programs for you. So Bash makes it very easy to run other programs and provides special syntax for doing scripting, while Ruby makes it very easy to do scripting and provides special syntax for running other programs.
This concludes our whirlwind tour of programming languages. Pretty much every program you encounter will have been developed using one of the four types of languages we covered: machine code, assembly, compiled, or scripted. However, do not make the mistake of thinking that you know programming now or that you can call yourself a computer programmer after making the simple programs illustrated in these chapters. Writing a program is so much more than the technical details and programming paradigms we learned about in these two chapters. Developing a program can take as much art as it does engineering and it always requires lots and lots of practice.
Unfortunately we won’t be covering any more computer programming because it is such a wide and deep topic that it goes far beyond the scope of this book; there are hundreds of other books devoted to every facet of programming. I wrote these chapters because I think it’s important for a superuser to have a rough idea of what goes on behind the scenes of the programs they use. But I will not say that you should learn programming as a prerequisite to becoming a superuser.
In a way, programming is the ultimate tool of a superuser. It’s the last resort when a superuser can find no existing method for getting the job done. In fact, writing your own code is very rarely desirable. Computer programmers have a saying that “the best code is no code at all”, meaning that while programming is an incredible tool it also comes with incredible difficulties. Writing a program from scratch is hard work, and writing a good program that is actually useful and has few bugs is even harder. Solving a problem using a poorly-made program often creates more problems. So whenever possible, a good superuser eschews custom code in favor of existing tools. You can actually make it pretty far as a superuser without being a proper computer programmer. Being able to utilize the tools you already have at hand is much more crucial.
But don’t let me drive you off! I personally love programming, and if you were intrigued by some of the examples in these last two chapters, I encourage you to look more into learning programming properly. You might just get hooked!