Selected Exercise Answers
Part 1: Computers
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- For the example of “What is your favorite color?”, it can be made into a function by adding time to the input: “What is your favorite color right now?”
- Here’s the algorithm I learned:
- Write down the three-digit number X with the one-digit number Y underneath its rightmost digit and a line underneath that.
- Multiply Y by each digit of X, starting from the right. For the result R
of each mulitiplication
- If there is a digit above the mulitiplied digit of X, add it to R.
- If R has two digits, place the right digit underneath the corresponding digit of X (below the line). Place the left digit above and one place to the left of the corresponding digit of X.
- If R has one digit, place R underneath the corresponding digit of X, below the line.
- If you end up with a digit above and to the left of the last digit of X, write it below the line as well.
- The digits below the line are your answer.
Simple Machines
Very similar to the case of addition:
(0, 1, 0, N, 1) (0, 2, 1, N, 1) (0, 3, 2, N, 1) (0, 4, 3, N, 1) ... (0, 8, 7, N, 1) (0, 9, 8, N, 1) (0, 0, 9, L, 0)
The result with an input of 0 will be an underflow i.e. filling the tape with 9s. You can get around underflow using the next exercise.
- With letters, you can mark the ends of your input numbers e.g. inputting X0 for 0. Then you can create rules that stop the computation when the end of the input is reached. If you’re really clever, you can figure out a way to do this even without letters.
- This is a tough one. The trick is to use to binary for input and output, as demonstrated in the next chapter.
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- 28439 = 214510, 3A0213 = 828310
- The trick is to look at columns. The rightmost column alternates 010101…, the next alternates in twos 00110011.., the next in fours 000011110000…, and so on.
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- Hexadecimal digits correspond to quadruplets of binary digits, and octal digits correspond to triplets of binary digits. Note that 16 = 24 and 8 = 23. From there you should be able to figure out what the tricks are for converting between base 3 and base 9 or base 6 and base 36, etc.
The simplest format for storing negative numbers is to devote the first bit to storing the sign of the number (e.g. 0 for positive, 1 for negative). How would you use this format? What sort of algorithm would you need to make in order to perform arithmetic with positive and negative numbers?
Actual computers use a much more clever format called “two’s complement”. This format takes advantage of modular arithmetic to represent negative numbers in a way so that you can add, subtract, and multiply them using the same algorithm you use for positive numbers!
One format for storing decimal numbers would be to use two bytes X and Y. Then each number is defined as X × 10Y. That way X and Y can be normal integers, but by making Y negative we can represent small numbers e.g. X = 205, Y = −2, 205 × 10−2 = 2.05.
The amount of money you have is digital information. Temperature is analog information. Other examples you should figure out on your own.
The color format often used by computers has three bytes representing red, blue, and green respectively. Each byte is an integer where 0 means the absence of that component, and 255 means that part of light is strongest. In this format (in hexadecimal), 000000 is black, 5A0000 is dark red, FF00FF is bright purple, and FFFFFF is white.
Since this format uses three bytes, it can represent only about 16.7 million distinct colors. You can use more or fewer bits per color component if you want to represent more or fewer colors.
Color is analog information, which means that we can never create a color format that represents all colors.
Here’s a computer I recently built to use as a home media center and server.
- Case: Fractal Design Node 304
- Motherboard: MSI B85I Intel Motherboard
- CPU: Intel Core i5-4570S
- RAM: G.SKILL Ares DDR3-1600 (2x8GB)
- SSD: Samsung 840 Pro MZ-7PD 128GB
- HDD: Western Digital 2TB Green (x2)
- Power supply: Rosewill SilentNight-500
Notice the ridiculous, confusing names for everything. Every computer is different and this one was built with a very specific idea in mind:
- The case is exceptionally small, letting it fit under my TV next to my Blu-Ray player
- The CPU is a special low power model - usually found in laptops - which requires less cooling than a usual CPU. The CPU can also act as a decently powerful GPU, removing the need for a separate expensive, power-hungry, overheated GPU
- With 16GB total in RAM, the computer can run a lot of programs at once without slowing down
- The three hard drives (one SSD, two HDDs) make the computer very versatile. Programs can be stored on the SSD, making the computer start very quickly. Data like music and movies are duplicated and stored on each HDD. If one HDD breaks, no data will be lost. The “green” HDDs are also especially power efficient - turning themselves off when not in use
- The power supply is exceptionally quiet while still providing a large amount of power. This will make it easy to add more power-hungry components to the computer later if I decide to upgrade
The end result is a small, quiet computer that draws very little electricity!
(BONUS) Digital vs. Analog
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Here they are:
- Snake: over-compressed. Artifacts are especially noticable around some scales and in the blurred background
- Kitten: squished. It was probably resized to the wrong aspect ratio, rather than resized and cropped
- Hornet: badly shrunk. The rough, pixelated appearance is a common artifact of the nearest-neighbor algorithm, which is particularly bad at preserving small details
- Mountains: no problems here
- City: enlarged. The blurriness indicates that this image was originally much smaller.
- Lighthouse: this is just 100 pixels too wide. Simply cropping the sides a bit would fix it up
- Diner: what isn’t wrong this one? It is blurry, which indicates enlarging. There are compression artifacts, and the people look squished which indicates resizing without preserving the correct aspect ratio.
Part 2: The Internet
For the first protocol, the most data we could send is 24×8−1=4,294,967,295 bytes. For the second protocol, each packet can hold 14 bytes of data. Each packet needs a unique packet number, so we can have at most 255 of them (the first packet isn’t used to send data). That’s 255×14=3,570 bytes total.
How can we make the first protocol capable of sending more data without increasing the number of bytes used to store the data size?
How can we make the second protocol capable of sending more data without increasing the number of bytes used to store the packet number?
Here are some new challenges of this situation:
- Both Alice and Bob will be sending, receiving, and ACKing messages. How will they differentiate a message and an ACK?
- Messages are broken into small packets, but packets are subject to delays. What if one person sends two messages back-to-back, and the packets end up intermingled on the receiver’s end? What if all of the packets of the second messages arrive before any of the packets of the first?
- If Alice and Bob are to have a conversation, the order of messages is important. What if Bob sends Alice two messages back-to-back and Alice responds after only receiving the first message? How will Bob get the correct order of messages on his end?
If you are very forward-thinking, you might have also considered the challenge of privacy. If Alice is simply sending Bob a book, who cares if it is accidentally delivered to someone else? But what if Alice and Bob are discussing their super-secret computer enthusiast club? How can they stop their clandestine correspondence from falling into the wrong hands?
This is an incredibly important topic, but one which we will tackle much later.
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Using ASCII is easy!
I’m not taunting you, that’s what it says.
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- Here’s my approach. Since HTML is about the meaning of text, there is rarely a single correct HTML version of plain text. Different interpretations can lead to different valid results.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>My favorite recipe</title></head>
This family recipe is simple, yet I have rarely tasted a
restaurant's pesto that bested it.
<li>2/3 cup basil leaves (approx.)</li>
<li>1/3 cup olive oil</li>
<li>1/3 cup parmesan cheese</li>
<li>2 tbsp pine nuts or walnuts</li>
<li>1/8 tsp (white) pepper</li>
<li>2-3 cloves garlic</li>
<li>Put all ingredients in blender</li>
<p>Serves 4-6</p>
The Browser
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- The plaintext is “ENUMERATE BY COLUMN”
- The key is 18 and the plaintext is “CRACKED”. Do you see how the answer to the previous exercise can help here?
- The plaintext is “STILL BROKEN”
This one is tricky.
The crucial flaw in substitution ciphers is letter frequency. In English (and every other language, for that matter), certain letters appear much more frequently than others. For English, the top three letters in order are E, T, A. Since every E is encrypted to the same letter, it’s usually a reasonable assumption that the most frequent letter in your ciphertext decrypts to E, the next most frequent to T, etc.
After you make a few letter guesses, the next flaw to exploit is that substitution ciphers leave letter patterns in words unaffected. For example, suppose you see the word “XUXXGUSX” in your ciphertext. This could decrypt to any one of the 30 thousand English words that are eight letters long; or can it? We know that all of the Xs decrypt to the same letter, so we’re looking for an English word that’s eight letters long where the first, third, fourth, and eighth letters are all the same. From almost 30,000 words that narrows the list down to 8. Add in the requirement that the second and sixth letters have to match (because of the U) and we get just one possibility: GIGGLING.
The general problem with substitution ciphers is that guessing a little bit of the key correctly makes it easier to guess the rest of the key correctly. This makes it much less secure than the 4 septillion keys might make you believe.
Now how about cracking that encrypted paragraph?
- 0x1848
Again, we can stop once the first five bits are the same as the last five, since it will repeat.
Practical Security
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The main reason why the checksum fails as a cryptographic hash is because it is linear. That means that it doesn’t matter if we checksum a block of data all at once or in little pieces. For example, suppose our data are
1b 03 2f 13
That has the checksum output 60 (hex). But we can also checksum
1b 03
and2f 13
separately to get 1e and 42 and then add those together to 60. We’ll see why this is bad in a moment.- Given an output, say 40, can we find an input that produces it? Sure thing, the checksum of 40 is 40.
- Given an input, say 1b 03 2f 13, can we find another input that produces the same output? Sure thing again, just add bytes on the end that checksum to 00. Since the checksum is linear, the full checksum will be 40 + 00 = 40.
- Can we find two inputs that produce the same output? Yep, just compute the checksum of one input and create the other input like we did previously.
- Do two nearly identical inputs produce nearly identical outputs? Yes again. Take any input and add 1 to one of the bytes – the resulting checksum will also be 1 greater.
- Not provided, but here’s a tip. To calculate the number of bits in a number, you need to take the log base 2 of that number. There are online calculators that help you do this.
- Paint.NET is (good) freeware made by dotPDN. The official download page is but I often see fake “Download” ads there! Tricky!
- Photoshop is shareware made by Adobe. The official download page is but you need to click the “TRY” button to download the shareware version. “Try” is a keyword often used by shareware.
- The GIMP is open source software made by a community of developers as part of the GNU project. The official download page is
Operating Systems
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First break down this task into discrete steps. First you want to list the files, then sort them in reverse order, then print the first five. So the three commands we’ll use are
, andhead
.# ls /etc >etc_files # sort -r etcfiles >rev_etc_files # head -n 5 rev_etc_files
Note that the file names for the redirects are unimportant. You could use
if you like. Also sincels
already lists files in alphabetical order, you could instead usels
, andsort
in that order. -
Just get rid of the file arguments and replace the redirects with pipes.
# ls /etc | sort -r | head -n 5
There are probably many ways to do this, but I did it by changing one of the bytes in “ELF”. These bytes identify the format of the executable so that the computer knows how to read its instructions. If it can’t identify the format, it will complain with that error message.
In this case, the shell looked at the file format and refused to send it along to the kernel in the first place. That’s what
means: it’s the name of the shell program. -
The are probably many ways to do this, but I did it by adding another
incl %eax
instruction. This changes the system call code from 1—for “exit”—to 2, which is a completely different system call called “fork”. Since the program makes no attempt to set up sensible CPU register values for this system call, the program fails in the most spectacular way.Recall that a crucial responsibility of the kernel is memory management of the running programs: ensuring that each program gets a little section of memory on the computer all to itself. These sections of memory are sometimes called segments. A “segmentation fault” occurs when a program tries to touch memory outside of its designated segment and it always indicates that something has gone very wrong with the program. In situations like these it can be very hard for the computer to know exactly what went wrong, so it tries to tell you as much as it can about the problem by making a record of everything that was going on when the program crashed. This record of the program’s state is called a “core dump”. Interpreting such core dumps requires quite a bit of expertise.
Hopefully these two exercises have illustrated just how fragile computer programs can be.