Making cool new programming languages is all the rage these days. I honestly love this since it shows that people are still trying to think about new ways for humans interact with computers at a low level. However, many of the designers of these new languages don’t seem to realize that the bar for language designs is higher than it used to be. We’re way past the limited designs of established languages like C, C++, and Java; we know that programming languages can be much more helpful, safe, and expressive than those older languages and it saddens me to see someone make a brand new language with the same artificial limitations that we know of.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t use C, C++, and Java anymore, I’m saying that those languages already exist! Why make a new language if it doesn’t materially improve on the status quo? So here is a list of features that I consider to be essential for a new language if you want it to be taken seriously. In my opinion the only good reason to omit any of these in your new language is

  • you’re making a toy language just for fun, or
  • you’re making a niche language that you don’t intend people to use for general-purpose programming

Project structure == directory structure

In older languages, you can throw your source code files basically anywhere because in order to compile those files into a working program, you need some metadata separate from those files which explains how they should be combined. That metadata could be some kind of project definition file, explicitly listing the source files and how they relate to each other, or the metadata could be some kind of build script that explicitly describes how the compiler will be invoked and with which files.

This is insanity. I have never seen a project that actually requires this degree of flexibility. Practically, every language involving this becomes a headache to manage because you have to manually keep the metadata in sync at all times, and you get a whole host of novel bugs simply related to the metadata being wrong as opposed to the actual source code.

Any new language should have a single, standard project structure. That project structure must be directly expressed through the directory structure of the source code. If a project metadata file is allowed, at most it can specify a custom location for that directory structure; it cannot do things like including extra source files from nonstandard locations, or exempting source files which are in standard locations. The goal is that anyone should be able to view the directory structure of a project and immediately understand roughly how that project works.

Package manager

We live in the age of Open Source. There is no excuse for copy-pasting other people’s code into your project anymore. Any new language should have a built-in official package manager with the following features:

  • Creating, publishing, and downloading packages
  • License information is required when publishing and included when downloading
  • Projects list package dependencies with their required versions
  • Installed packages are pinned to a specific version until explicitly updated in the project
  • All dependencies of a project (including transitive) can be audited (including version and license)

Language manager

If your language is new, it will have bugs. You will need to release new versions, those versions may introduce incompatibilities. Any new language should have an official language version manager such that each project can pin itself to a specific language version, and the manager can download whatever version is required prior to building.

It should be possible to simultaneously build two projects using two different language versions on the same machine i.e. the language version is sandboxed to the individual build, as opposed to some global configuration of the machine.

Turing-incomplete builds

Going hand-in-hand with the previous points, any new compiled language should have a single, standard compilation process. Every step of that process may include a finite set of options for tweaking it, however no step should allow custom code to be run as part of the build.

Again, the goal is that simply by looking at the project structure I should have an intuitive understanding of how those files will be built. It should not be possible for someone to define a custom, wacky build process that works entirely differently. Debugging the build process should at most involve walking through the standard set of steps and determining which ones are going wrong, as opposed to debugging completely custom build scripts written in a Turing-complete language.

If you want to include custom build steps, those must be externally defined per-project and must run before the standard build starts. If the users of your language start to regularly step outside of the standard build process because it is too restrictive, the build process should be expanded just enough to handle those use-cases without giving in and allowing Turing-complete builds. For example, if users of your language start using custom code generators, consider making code generation an official part of your language such that it can be standardized.

Mixed paradigm

Purity of paradigm is worthless. Pure functional languages like Haskell remain extremely niche despite years of advocacy. Virtually all Java successors hack top-level functions into the JVM since we know they are simply the best option in some cases.

Any new language should be mixed paradigm, allowing at least the creation of mutable objects encapsulating both data and methods, as well as first-class functions that can exist independent of an enclosing object and which can be stored and passed around like an object. 99% of good software design is about accurately modeling the problem you are solving. Purity in a language serves only to restrict your models, forcing you to use unintuitive representations in some cases.

Everything really is an object

Since your language must be mixed paradigm, for programmer sanity you should ensure that everything in your language behaves like an object and can have methods attached to it. Yes, that means strings, integers, classes, functions, etc. should all allow methods to be defined on them. There should never be cases where something in a variable is of some exceptional type that has no class, or cannot accept method calls. Methods should be definable as scoped extensions to existing classes, so that you can add methods to objects that you do not have control over (if you think it makes more sense than defining a function separate from the object).

Conversely, everything that looks like a method call should be a method call. Constructors should not be a special case, they should be a method call on the class object. Calling a top-level function should be syntactic sugar for a method call on the function object e.g. .invoke().

If your language is compiled, it should similarly allow interfaces to apply to all of these constructs. If you want to define a class that works like a function, you should be able to make that class and function conform to the same interface such that they can be used interchangeably.

Although I am demanding this, I do acknowledge that this is an extremely difficult requirement for any language design. In fact I don’t know of any language that does this perfectly, since you often end up with increasingly abstract levels of design logic that are hard to reason about. However, any new language should strive to achieve this as much as is practically possible and ensure that any remaining corner cases are well-understood and seem to be acceptable compromises with easy workarounds.

Testing framework

Automated tests are essential for software quality. Any new language should have an official built-in testing framework that supports automated unit and integration tests. Test code should be part of the standard project structure with a clear relationship with the source code. If the users of your language start to regularly rely on nonstandard testing tools, you should expand the official test framework to handle those use-cases.

Test output should have the option of being human-readable or being in a standard machine-parsable format such that CI tools can integrate with the language.


Any new language should have first-class support for regular expressions both as a built-in type and a literal in source code. If statically typed, regex literals should be evaluated for correctness at compile time.

Pick one: dynamic or inferred

Any new language must run in one of these two ways:

  1. Fully dynamic, meaning the language has an eval() function that accepts a string at runtime and evaluates it as source code. The language is fully metaprogrammable, allowing all programmer actions to be executed at runtime.
  2. Statically type-inferred, meaning that by default all types are checked at compile time and can be specified in just enough source locations that the compiler can verify through inference that types are being used correctly. Runtime type-checking (such as downcasting) is allowed, but must always be explicitly differentiated from static checking in the source code

Sum types

If your language is statically typed, it must have first-class support for sum types as well as pattern matching for those types to ensure that all cases of the type are handled whenever one is used.

Nullability in the language must be represented as a sum type with two cases: null and non-null. The compiler should be able to enforce that either a variable can never contain null or it can contain null and must be handled with pattern matching.

Explicit exceptions

If your language is statically typed, any function that throws an exception must have a distinct type from any function that does not throw. Calling a function that can throw must either require pattern matching to handle the exception or making the caller throw.

Explicit mutability

If your language is statically typed, variables and types must be explicitly marked as mutable or immutable. The compiler verifies that immutable variables are never reassigned and that objects with an immutable type are never modified.

Ideally, immutable types can be given value semantics, meaning that objects of that type with the same value are considered to be identical.

The future

There’s always room for improvement, and while I don’t think we’ve figured out the following areas enough to say that they are essential to language design, I would love to see new languages play around with them to find some new ideal.

Explicit side-effects

If your language is statically typed, any function/method that modifies one of its inputs or changes some global state of the program should be explicitly marked as causing side-effects (distinguishing them from “pure” functions/methods). The compiler should enforce that pure functions cannot call impure ones.

Async programming

It has been interested watching asynchronous programming evolve over the years. We’ve gone from explicit multithreading, to green threads, to callback hell, and now to modern concepts like coroutines. It is hard to say where this will settle down, but my gut tells me we haven’t reached the end of this journey. Ideally we don’t end up in colored function hell.