I love Codable in Swift, especially with enums. It lets you define a limited set of values for deserialization without a ton of boilerplate. However I’ve had one problem pop up a few different times with it: what if you want to decode strictly, but also provide a data-preserving catch-all case?

Usually this occurs when you are deserializing something but also passing the data on to some other framework/API/etc. You want your code to handle it strictly in order to avoid corner cases, but throwing away the bad data is not an option. Swift has existing wrapper enum types which are close to want we want, but not quite right:

  • Optional means “it is present or not”. This doesn’t work because the data are always present in our use case.
  • Result means “it is preset or is an error”. This doesn’t work because our error is always the same–that the deserialized value was not understood–and we need to specifically maintain the “bad” value rather than allowing any error type. Also Result is not Codable, meaning we can’t avoid boilerplate if we want to use it in our Codable types.

What we want is an enum with two cases:

  1. Recognized, meaning we see that the value is one that our program is designed to handle
  2. Unrecognized, meaning it is some other value


I want to be able to write code like this

enum Pet: String, Codable {
    case cat, dog

// always non-optional, possibly using a catch-all
let rawPet = Recognizable<Pet>(rawValue: "fish")
// only throws if data can't be decoded as a String
let jsonPet = try decoder.decode(Recognizable<Pet>.self, from: data)

And then I can define separate code paths for the catch-all case

guard case let .recognized(known) = pet else {
    NSLog("Can't handle unknown pet \(pet.rawValue)")
// do something with known

Or if some code doesn’t care about the catch-all case you can treat it as optional when needed:

let typeName = pet.recognized?.rawValue ?? "some unknown pet type"

It turns out that writing this generic type in Swift is super easy and useful, so here you go.


Most of the interface is inspired by Optional, since Recognizable is a similar kind of monad. You’ll also see that most of these methods follow the same trivial pattern: use the known strict type if possible, otherwise use the unrecognized raw value.

public enum Recognizable<Known: RawRepresentable>: RawRepresentable {
    case recognized(Known)
    case unrecognized(Known.RawValue)

    // convert to optional when you don't care about unrecognized
    public var recognized: Known? {
        switch self {
        case .recognized(let known):
            return known
        case .unrecognized(_):
            return nil

    public var rawValue: Known.RawValue {
        switch self {
        case .recognized(let known):
            return known.rawValue
        case .unrecognized(let value):
            return value

    // N.B. this constructor is non-failable unlike most RawRepresentable types
    public init(rawValue: Known.RawValue) {
        guard let recognized = Known(rawValue: rawValue) else {
            self = .unrecognized(rawValue)

        self = .recognized(recognized)

    // less verbose construction if you have the Known type already
    public init(_ recognized: Known) {
        self = .recognized(recognized)

    /// maintain wrapping while mapping to a different RawRepresentable type
    public func map<U: RawRepresentable>(_ transform: (Known) -> U) -> Recognizable<U> where Known.RawValue == U.RawValue {
        switch self {
        case .recognized(let known):
            return .recognized(transform(known))
        case .unrecognized(let raw):
            return .unrecognized(raw)

    /// avoid double-wrapping if you want to map the wrapped type to a Recognizable
    public func flatMap<U: RawRepresentable>(_ transform: (Known) -> Recognizable<U>) -> Recognizable<U> where Known.RawValue == U.RawValue {
        switch self {
        case .recognized(let known):
            return transform(known)
        case .unrecognized(let raw):
            return .unrecognized(raw)

extension Recognizable: Decodable where Known: Decodable, Known.RawValue: Decodable {
    public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        do {
            self.init(try Known(from: decoder))
        } catch {
            let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
            self = .unrecognized(try container.decode(Known.RawValue.self))

extension Recognizable: Encodable where Known: Encodable, Known.RawValue: Encodable {
    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
        switch self {
        case .recognized(let known):
            try container.encode(known)
        case .unrecognized(let value):
            try container.encode(value)