Through the Ages


There are three variants of Through the Ages: simple, advanced, and full. The rules for the variants are marked as such:

Or just show rules for a specific variant:

Set Up

Prepare Decks

Set aside Development of Politics from Military Deck A. Set aside Civil Decks II and III and Military Decks I, II, and III.

Set aside the 4 war cards from Military Deck II. Randomly select 4 event cards from Military Deck III and place them near the board. Set aside the rest of Military Deck III and Civil Deck III.

Randomly select 2+(# players) cards from Military Deck A and set aside the rest. For a 2 player game, set aside the pact cards from the Military Decks.

Set aside any cards from the Civil Decks that do not match the number of players (3+, 4+).

Set up the board

  1. Shuffle Military Deck A and place it on current events
  2. Shuffle Civil Deck A and fill the card row with them, placing the rest on the board
  3. Shuffle Military Deck I and place it on the board

Set up player mats

Fill production/population banks, worker pool, and initial buildings/units (update science rating and strength accordingly). Take civil and military tokens according to your government.

First turn

  1. Starting player gets 1 civil action, next gets 2, etc. Take cards from the card row
  2. Maintenance

Normal Turn

The basic turn structure is

  1. Card row
  2. War
  3. Events
  4. Political action
  5. Civil/military actions
  6. Maintenance

Throughout the game, remember to look for adjustments to your civilization’s culture and science rating after every action.

Card Row

  1. Remove cards based on number of players
  2. Shift cards down
  3. Deal new cards
  4. If the civil deck is exhausted, it’s the end of that age and cards from the previous age become obsolete (e.g. the last card from Civil Deck I obsoletes cards from Deck A). Replace the Civil and Military Decks with the ones from the next age. All players:

The end of Age A does not trigger the end-of-age rules. After the starting player’s second turn, the remaining cards from Civil Deck A are set aside and replaced with Civil Deck I.


Resolve a previously declared war as a normal aggression except:


On the starting player's turn after the second round, the top current events card is revealed and takes effect.

Political Action

You may do one of the following:

Unit sacrifices are not allowed in the last round.

Civil/military actions

Possible civil actions

Possible military actions


The next player can start their turn now.

  1. Fill unmet happiness spaces with unused workers. If you do not have enough workers to do so, it’s an uprising. Your turn is over
  2. Score science and culture points
  3. Produce food for each farm worker
  4. Consumption: return food to the supply according to your empty population bank spaces
  5. Produce resources for each mine worker
  6. Corruption: return resources to the supply according to your empty supply spaces
  7. Discard military cards down to your maximum number of military actions, then draw military cards for each unused military action (at most 3)
Then wait for your next turn.

Game End

When the last civil deck has been emptied and every player has had the same number of turns, the game ends.

Except in the full game, where there is one more round.

The player with the most culture points wins.